"Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame." ~B.K.S.Iyengar

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"When asked what gift he wanted for his birthday, the yogi replied: "I wish no gifts, only presence." ~Author Unknown

There are many elements to the practice of yoga. Some that people know, some they don't, some they misunderstand. I swear if the good intentioned Walgreen's cashier, who always asks how my classes are going, calls it my "stretching class" one more time I may accidentally knock off his counter display with my purse.

That being said, I think one of the hardest and yet most rewarding aspects of yoga, is practicing the art of being present. All day long we spend the day reacting to things not yet happened, or approaching situations based on past experiences or feelings.

"Well I'm not going to say that. Last time I..."

"I'm here, but I really should be there. I wonder if.."

"I just want this day to be over.."

"I wish I could redo that. Said something different. If only...."

I tell my students that by focusing on the breath; the inhale...the exhale, they have no choice but to bring their awareness to this very moment. They will then not be 10 steps ahead of themselves, or 10 steps behind. They are not wasting energy with critical self talk. They are simply right where they are. Listening and breathing and coming into that space that is more connected and quiet. Controlling how we feel, staying aware, no matter what the moment brings.

I'll be the first to say that it isn't as easy as it sounds. Hence, we call it our yoga practice. Because that is what we do every time we come to our mats. We practice. Hoping that eventually we strengthen our awareness enough that it can't help but spill over into our day to day life.

And if we are aware each moment of every day, what kind of connection could we experience then? If fear and critical self talk couldn't hold us back anymore, then what could?

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